The Beach School

Telephone02 9905 9451

School Expectations


The school expectations focus on students being  safe, responsible, respectful and committed learners.

The expectations are as follows:

  • Be respectful
  • Be safe
  • Be responsible
  • Follow directions

Students will be supervised by staff at all times including in the playground and moving between classes and/or activities.

Arriving late or leaving early

If students arrive late or need to leave early they need to notify the office so records can be updated. Parents/carers need to contact the school to explain absences and lateness. The Beach School will contact parents/carers when students are absent without explanation.

If a student leaves the school site they will not be allowed to return to school for the day.

School Behaviour Support and Management Plan

Electronic devices and valuables

Electronic devices and valuables must be handed in to the office on arrival. They will be placed in a secure location and handed back upon leaving school.

Students are allowed to use the office phone to ring parents/carers after seeking permission. Parents/carers may ring students or leave messages during the school day by ringing the school on 9905 9451.

For more information about student use of digital devices see the The Beach School Digital Devices and Online Services procedure document.

Skateboards, bikes and scooters

Skateboards, bikes and scooters may be ridden to and from school however students must wear a helmet. A parent/carer will be asked to collect the item if a student rides without a helmet.

Prohibited items

Knives, weapons of any description, drugs and illegal substances are not to be brought to school. If students are found to be in possession of such items they will be suspended from the school program. Parents/carers will be notified and Police informed.

Smoking and vaping

Smoking and vaping is not allowed on Department of Education property by either students, staff or parents/carers.

Respectful communication

Abuse and innapropriate communication will not be tolerated. It is a requirement of any person on site to speak appropriately. 


The school will not tolerate bullying behaviour or bully bystander behaviour from students towards other students, staff members or members of the wider community. Bullying will be addressed through the School Discipline and Welfare Policy.

If you are a victim of bullying or would simply like further information then visit the following websites:

Need help?

  • Lifeline: For support and advice in a personal crisis. Phone counselling 24/7 and online web chat available 8pm-4am AEST. Phone: 13 11 14.
  • Kids Helpline: To talk to someone about anything that's going on in your life, for ages 5-25. Helpline has phone counselling 24/7. Phone: 1800 55 1800.
  • eheadspace: To talk to someone and get advice about tough issues, for ages 12-25. Phone: 1800 650 890.


The school enforces Department of Education's Internet Acceptable Usage policies. As technology changes the school will endeavour to keep up with these changes.

We ask that parents and carers share responsibility in supervising students' use of electronic technology and social media. Any misuse of these devices will be dealt with through the Suspension and Expulsion Policy of the Department of Education.

Advice for parents can be found at the eSafety Commision website.

Physical violence

The Department of Education policy directs that violent and aggressive  behaviour that is seen to be unsafe, will lead to immediate suspension.